Welcome to our wedding website!

To be edited at a later date with my roo's input. i just wanted to use this layout for something, because I FINALLY figured out how to do a dropdown menu properly. HTML is fun but hard.
This is the smaller header to be edited later
AUS Date: 00/00/0000
AUS Location: ????
USA Date: 00//00/0000
USA Location: ????
Gift Registry: Link here
General FAQ: Link here
Content goes here at a later date.
Content goes here later
Bla Bla Bla I could just put lorem ipsum here to fill it out but I dont want to. Too corporate and professional. I can just ramble on and write nonsense until this space is filled out that works too. And by filled out I mean two lines. Look
this is what a link looks like. I mean you can look at the menu to see as well but I thought you might wanna see it in the content block so there u go. Oh also this block grows with ur content. It'll get looooongerrrr